dacs.services — DACS web services


dacswebservice [dacsoptions]


These web services are part of the DACS suite.

The following is a list of DACS web services with a brief description of each. General aspects of DACS and its web services are discussed in dacs(1). Individual web services are discussed in more detail elsewhere. By default, these CGI programs are installed in the dacs subdirectory of the Apache cgi-bin directory.

By convention, DACS web service names use underscores as word separators. Some web services have command counterparts; their names omit the underscores.

  • dacs_admin
    A low-level administration tool for DACS.

  • dacs_auth_agent
    Authenticate by delegating responsibility to a trusted identity.

  • dacs_auth_transfer
    Transfer credentials between federations.

  • dacs_authenticate
    The DACS authentication service.

  • dacs_conf
    Process and display DACS configuration files.

  • dacs_current_credentials
    Display elements of each set of credentials sent with the request.

  • dacs_error
    Simple error handler.

  • dacs_group
    DACS group administration tool.

  • dacs_list_jurisdictions
    Display information about all jurisdictions in a federation.

  • dacs_notices
    Notice presentation and acknowledgement handler.

  • dacs_passwd
    Administration tool for passwords used by local_passwd_authenticate.

  • dacs_prenv
    Display environment variables.

  • dacs_select_credentials
    Temporarily disable credentials.

  • dacs_signout
    Typically called from a browser, this web services causes one or more
    cookies (each representing a DACS identity) to be deleted.
    Cookies are automatically deleted when a browser terminates, but it
    is sometimes useful to explicitly logoff.

  • dacs_version
    Display version information.

  • dacs_token
    Manage one-time password token accounts.

  • dacs_transform
    Rule-based document transformation.

  • dacs_uproxy
    Minimal HTTP proxying.

  • dacs_vfs
    Manage items in the DACS virtual filestore.

  • local_*_authenticate
    Authentication modules used by dacs_authenticate(8).
    Each one implements a particular authentication method and optionally
    returns role information.

  • local_*_roles
    Roles modules used by dacs_authenticate(8).

  • dacs_infocarddacs_managed_infocarddacs_mexdacs_sts
    InfoCard support.

Standard CGI Arguments for DACS Web Services

The following set of CGI arguments are recognized by most DACS web services. When the document for a DACS web service says that it accepts "the standard CGI arguments", it is referring to the following arguments; not all of these arguments are necessarily meaningful to all web services, however.

In general, duplicate CGI argument names are not allowed; i.e., you cannot pass an argument named DACS_JURISDICTION more than once when calling a DACS web service, even if each occurrence of the argument has the same value.


This argument is required by most web services. It specifies the name of the jurisdiction to which the request is being sent. Web services will verify that the jurisdiction that receives the request is the same as the intended recipient.


If this argument is present, it specifies the major DACS version number (e.g., 1.4) expected by the client. The service request will fail if the DACS software does not support this version number. If not provided, no compatibility checks are performed.


Reserved for future use for file uploading. Requests content type application/x-dacs-credentials.


This optional argument requests a particular output format. The default value varies, but it is usually HTML. Not all formats are supported by every web service; refer to the manual page for details. The following values may be recognized:


Requests content type text/html;


Requests content type application/json (JavaScript Object Notation, see www.json.org, ECMA-404, RFC 4627, and RFC 7159);


Used by the dacs_list_jurisdictions(8) web service when its output is to processed by PHP;


Requests content type text/plain;


Like PLAIN except that no content type is specified;


An encoding based on RFC 2396;


Equivalent to URI;


Requests content type text/xml. If the DTD_BASE_URL directive is configured, a DOCTYPE element with the keyword SYSTEM followed by a value derived from DTD_BASE_URL is emitted; e.g.,

<!DOCTYPE foo SYSTEM "http://fedroot.com/dacs/dtd-xsd/foo.dtd">

If DTD_BASE_URL is not configured, an internal DTD is emitted. A default xmlns attribute is emitted in both cases;


Requests content type text/xml This emits an internal DTD and default xmlns attribute;


Requests content type text/xml. If the XSD_BASE_URL directive is configured, xmlns:xsi and xsi:schemaLocation attributes are emitted, the former having a compile-time value (e.g., "https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance") and the latter being a pair, the first having the same value as the value of the xmlns attribute and the second having a value derived from XSD_BASE_URL; e.g.,

<foo xmlns="http://fedroot.com/dacs/v1.4"

The default xmlns attribute is also emitted. If XSD_BASE_URL is not configured, only the default xmlns attribute is emitted; and


Requests content type text/xml Neither a DTD (no DOCTYPE) nor a default xmlns attribute is emitted.

Also see the -format command line flag (one of the dacsoptions).


Programs usually exit 0 if everything was fine, 1 if an error occurred.


Distributed Systems Software (www.dss.ca)


Copyright © 2003-2018 Distributed Systems Software. See the LICENSE file that accompanies the distribution for licensing information.

DACS Version 1.4.52 24-Sep-2024 DACS.SERVICES(8)

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$Id: dacs.services.8.xml 3016 2018-08-17 18:12:46Z brachman $